The List by Robert Whitlow

The List by Robert Whitlow

Author:Robert Whitlow [Whitlow, Robert]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Fiction, Christian, General, ebook, book
ISBN: 9780849945182
Google: MbyVlM5xm2oC
Amazon: 0849945186
Barnesnoble: 0849945186
Goodreads: 1587711
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Published: 2000-01-01T06:00:00+00:00

South of Georgetown, two men walked slowly to the end of the weathered pier that stretched like a long finger through the surf into the deeper waters beyond the breaking waves. They passed a few fishermen, shirtless men baked such a deep bronze by the long South Carolina summer that the tattoos of mermaids and sea creatures on their forearms had almost disappeared.

“What do you think of Jacobson?” the younger asked when they reached the end of the gray planked walkway.

The older man leaned against the wooden rail, took a cigar from a pocket humidor, and stared out to sea. “Unrealized potential.”

“Potential for what?”

The first puff of cigar smoke disappeared as the afternoon breeze began to blow gently off the land. “You’ll see.”

“Come on. Tell me.”

“He’s a closed house waiting for a skillful hand to unlock the door.” “Closed house? Does he have more potential than me?” the younger asked.

“Don’t be jealous. Each one to his assigned place. Trust me. I’ve not selected a successor—not yet.”


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